Emerge by Lila Felix

Have you ever wanted to read a sweet story that wraps itself around your heart and pulls you into your reader?  So much so that you CANNOT, no matter how hard you try, put it down?  You just found it!  I loved Emerge.  LOVED it!!

Jenna was the main character and I was completely overwhelmed by her story.  I’ve known parents that could have used a parenting class, but hers should have been banned from reproduction!    Lila Felix tackled a subject (parental abuse) that is rarely spoken about and she did it flawlessly.  The story is told from eighteen year old, Jenna’s, point of view.

Despite being in an abusive home, Jenna is a survivor.  Her self esteem is challenged, her self-worth is questioned and in spite of it all, Jenna is a strong, believable, endearing character.  She met Carlos and I have never read a sweeter love interest!  It wasn’t a fairy tale, at least not a nice one by any stretch of the imagination; but the ending was truly beautiful.  The very last line in the last chapter was my favorite!  Not because I had finished the story, but because when I read it, my heart skipped a beat.

Congratulations, Lila on a truly beautiful debut novel!!  I am a fan for life, and will read everything you write for the rest of your career!  In fact, I’m reading Perchance, right now!

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